So if you have things like Steel Eggs or Golden Eggs, make sure to sell them right away for zenny. These are Trade-In items, and they usually have a description that says "fetches a good price" and have no other purpose. While you'll want to try and hold on to every bit of monster parts, ore, and other useful material items, certain items are meant to be sold. There is even a new armor skill that extends the dive-evade distance and lets you do this move while facing the monster instead of away. This is a good thing because it provides more i-frames (invincibility frames), so when you do this move right, you can avoid those big attacks, like laser beams, fireballs, and body slams. When this is done correctly, you'll dive to the ground rather than do the normal evade roll, which has a longer recovery time than usual. However, the chances are high that you may have experienced this completely by accident, but the game will never tell you.īasically, whenever your weapon is sheathed, turn your hunter away from the monster and sprint. This move has been in Monster Hunter games for what seems like forever, and it's insanely useful.

Do a Superman Dive to get out of hairy situations
Of course, you may want to make a few attacks on the other monster before launching because they drop free shiny loot this way. But there's another trick to this, too - if you launch a monster into another, that other monster becomes instantly mountable, allowing you to change your mount. Speaking of Wyvern Riding, the launch feature, which you usually use to make a monster crash into a wall or obstacle, can also be used at other monsters for more damage. Monster Hunter Rise Wyvern Riding Arzuros Tetranadon (Image credit: iMore) Launching mounted monsters into other monsters lets you change mounts So if you're close enough, activating Mounted Punisher makes the monster turn to face the other monster head-on before unleashing the onslaught of powerful attacks.

But the Mounted Punisher move, which is activated by pressing X and A at the same time, locks on the other monster automatically. With Wyvern Riding, you're not only mounting a monster, but you can also control its movements for a short while, including attacks.Īiming the light or strong attacks can be a little tricky, as movement and aim can feel a little cumbersome. Wyvern Riding is a new mechanic in Monster Hunter Rise that replaces the mounting mechanism from previous games. It's important to note when you have blue damage, though, because, after a certain threshold, the monster will go into the Wyvern Riding state. If you have a high amount of Affinity (critical hit chance), then critical hits have a star attached to the number. White is regular damage, orange tells you that you're hitting a monster's weak point, and blue is "mounting" damage from jumping attacks or Wirebug Silkbind attacks. Gray represents the damage done on "hard" parts of the monster that cause your weapon to bounce. While hunting, you may have noticed the damage numbers showing up in a few different colors: gray, white, orange, and blue.

However, since World, damage numbers have become a thing and have made a comeback in Monster Hunter Rise. In previous games before Monster Hunter World, you didn't even get damage numbers. Monster Hunter Rise Pukei Pukei Battle (Image credit: iMore)